INTRODUCTION - How It Works is generically the world's top internet Domain name for Oral Surgeons.

When a zip code is entered in the Provider zip code box, the office locations, websites and contact information for a maximum of two (2) OMS office practices located in the zip code requested will display on an interactive map. When there is no provider registered for a requested zip code, the contact information and websites of all registered providers in zip codes within a 30 mile radius of the requested zip code will be displayed

A prospective patient can review your website, request an appointment directly through the map page contact facility and/or can save your contact information for later.

To understand how the interactive map works

Enter 22192 in the zip code

A map location and contact Information of the single registered provider in this zip code is provided. If two (2) provider practices were registered in this zip code .... BOTH would be displayed.

Enter 22031 in the zip code

A message states that the are no providers in the chosen zip code but displays the mapped contact and practice information of all registered implant providers in adjacent zip codes within a 30 mile radius of the requested zip code.

Reasons to Register on… Now!

The applications of only two (2) OMS in each zip code district will be accepted on a first to register basis. OMS registered for one of the two places in each zip code district always have the option to continue their participation.

An exclusive registration in is a most effective method to bring your practice directly to the attention of a much larger number of potential patients in your local community, and beyond, than your customary referral patterns would otherwise give you the opportunity to treat

The online visibility, information transfer capability and advertising value of the familiar generic domain name of will be automatically enhanced by an ongoing professional program of site optimization (SEO), as well as online advertising.

Cost: Registration is FREE and no contract or credit cards are required.

At the termination of a FREE 3 MONTH TRIAL PERIOD registration and continuing listing on is guaranteed by $50.00 paid monthly.

Office and website contact information

Minimum of 6 characters